This site was created and is maintained by the team at NCL Innovations (a division of the CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune). PET is a widely used plastic. What happens to the PET bottles after use ? What happens to other forms of PET after use? These are the questions we aim to address. We wish to understand, in detail, the PET recycling landscape in India, and document our findings in this site.

Methodology: We use a combination of site visits, interviews, literature survey for this study. The team has visited (and continues to visit) PET recycling units across the country, has interviewed over three dozen vendors, traders, recyclers who are engaged in this business, and has interviewed industry experts, experts from trade organizations, PET manufacturers, bottlers, NGOs etc. We have used the existing (and emerging) literature in this field—reports, analysis, journal articles, market data, government data etc. to aid our analysis.

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About NCL Innovations


NCL Innovations (NCLI) is resource center of CSIR-NCL that supports, promotes and champions the cause of technology innovations within NCL. The team at NCL Innovations manages a portfolio of 1800 patents, formulates and executes patent strategy, does technology assessments, marketing, valuation and works to convert science from the lab to useful products and services. NCLI was instrumental in creating the first spin-offs from CSIR-NCL and also actively engages in building the innovation-support eco-system in the Pune region.

We are supported by the following organizations:


CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR‐NCL), Pune, established in 1950, is a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. CSIR-NCL is a science and knowledge based research, development and consulting organization. It is internationally known for its excellence in scientific research in chemistry and chemical engineering as well as for its outstanding track record of industrial research involving partnerships with industry from concept to commercialization.


PET Packaging Association for Clean Environment (PACE). An industry body (headquarted in New Delhi) that represents various PET manufacturers, bottlers, processors, recyclers in India.